We offer a complete range of Hardfacing to suit all drilling conditions. All TIANHE Stabilizers can be banded with the following hardfacings.

TIANHE replaceable sleeve stabilizer consists of an integral mandrel and a sleeve. One mandrel series can be equipped with different sizes of sleeve for several hole sizes. In order to match the drilling conditions, the sleeves can be easily changed on the rig floor during changing of hole size or wear surface.

Roller Reamers are designed for reaming and stabilization in any type of formation. All parts of the tool are made of special alloy steel and heat treated for hardness. Drilling crews can easily replace any part in the field without using any special tools.

TIANHE Fixed Diameter Hole Openers are designed for use in soft clays and shales to medium-hard shales and limestones. It is particularly effective in sticky formations where balling problems are encountered. Three jets with replaceable nozzles continuously clean the tool’s cutting structure, clearing debris buildup and increasing penetration.

Drill Collar is the basic component in the BHA which provides weight on the bit for drilling and keeps the drill string in tension.

TIANHE Drill Collar is manufactured from AISI 4145H modified quenched and tempered steel and is heat treated along its entire length for uniform toughness and durability. Strict metallurgical tests are performed per specifications to ensure that the heat treatment produces consistent and maximum hardness through the depth of the bar.

During drilling, fishing, completion or wireline jobs, it is critical for the downhole tools to have a obstruction-free casing so as to increase efficiency. Casing Scraper removes rust, scale, cement, mud, bullets, paraffin, perforation burrs and other obstructions or foreign material from the inside walls of casing.

  • 0086-453-5979888
  • marketingonline@tianheoil.com